I began watching @CosmicSkeptic Alex O'Connor when he was on @jubilee video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpK8CoWBnq8&t=23s
This is what I would say to Alex to convince him to believe in the God of the Bible and Jesus Christ.
Join us as we delve into a deep and honest conversation about faith, belief, and skepticism. In this episode, I share the most compelling argument I would present to Alex O'Connor, also known as Cosmic Skeptic, during a hypothetical one-on-one discussion about the existence of God and the trustworthiness of the Bible.
We'll explore the simplicity of the Christian message, the role of faith, and why intellectual arguments may not be enough to change a skeptic's mind. Let's look at how personal experiences and genuine openness to belief can lead to a profound understanding of Christianity. I hope this dialogue sparks curiosity and a fresh perspective on faith for everyone listening.
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